Generation: 0
Live Cells: 0
Total Cells Killed: 0
Total Cells Given Life: 0
By Default
- Left click is to draw onto the board
- Right click is to drag the board around
- The mouse wheel can be used to zoom in or out of where ever the mouse currently is on the board
The Input
The Core Game Functions:
Starts or plays the game at the current state of the board
Pauses the game at the current state of the board
Clears entire board and pauses the board
Slow the update rate of the board or simulation by 1 FPS
Speed up the update rate of the board or simulation by 1 FPS
Note: You can also adjust the FPS of the board or simulation by dragging the slider
Editing the Cells on the Board:
Draw or bring cells to life on the board
Erase of kill cells on the board
Drag the board around given you are within the board's limits
Zoom in on where you click
Zoom out on where you click
Note: The editing options will work in conjunction with both the mouse wheel and right mouse functions as listed above
What is the Game of Life?
The game of life is not a game, but a simulation of cells on a grid. It was created by a Cambridge mathematician named John Conway. The cells follow certain rules to repopulate or kill themselves, which results in very interesting paterns. The rules include:
For each cell that is currently alive:
- If it has one or no neighbors, it does as if by solitude
- If it has two or three neighbors, it survives
- If it has four or more neighbors, it dies as if by overpopulation
For each cell that is currently dead:
- If it has exactly three neighbors, then it comes to life